Budget 2020
The 2020 budget was approved by the Fairway City Council on August 12, 2019. The budget funds all departments as well has various special funds for specific uses. In addition to our routine mill and overlay projects, the 2020 Budget also includes money to assess stormwater infrastructure, the purchase of two new police vehicles and make repairs to the swimming pool liner.
The 2020 Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) includes “Priority 1 Projects” totaling $564,442 which include:
- Street Maintenance – Fairway Road, Cherokee Dr. Eastvale, Neosho
- Public Works Department mower
- Police Department vehicle replacements
- Sidewalk replacement on the south side of Shawnee Mission Parkway from Brookridge to Falmouth
- Swimming Pool liner repairs
The City uses a modified, zero-based budget process. This process requires each Department to identify annually the services and functions it performs; justify the services and functions at the Department level, Committee level, and Finance Committee level; and then build a budget for each line item, starting at zero. This method allows for a detailed look at both the services that are provided and their efficiency. This comprehensive, labor-intensive process requires each committee to review every activity based on its own merit as opposed to a budget process that determines funding based only on previous cost history.
2020 Budget Information: