2025 Pool Membership

2025 Fairway Pool Memberships - Registration opens March 1st

Fairway Pool memberships will be sold on an individual basis for anyone 3 years and older. 

Once purchased, Fairway Pool Memberships are non-refundable. 


2025 Fairway Resident Membership Rates: 

Rates will increase by $5 starting May 1 

Individual (ages 3 and up): $40

Individual Senior (62+): $35


2025 Non-Resident Membership Rates:

Rates will increase by $5 starting May 1

Individual (ages 3 and up): $70

Individual Senior (62+): $65


Returning members from 2024: Once you have paid for a 2025 membership, your membership card from last year will be reactivated. If you need to purchase a replacement card ($5 each), please send an email with your full name to fairwayparksrec@gmail.com.


New members (anyone who wasn't a member in 2024): After purchasing your membership, please email headshots with names attached to fairwayparksrec@gmail.com


Pool Members must present their membership card to enter the pool. If you do not present your membership card, you will be charged the daily fee. Replacement cards can be printed for $5.00 per card. Please email fairwayparksrec@gmail.com with your replacement card request.


Fairway Municipal Swimming Pool Membership Guidelines

  1. A Resident is defined as someone who permanently resides in the City of Fairway.  All adults ages 18 and older purchasing a membership for themselves or their children must provide proof of residency in the form of a government issued photo I.D. (ex. Driver’s license), a voter registration card or 2 current utility bills showing the resident’s name and address. Owners of rental property do not qualify as a resident unless residing elsewhere within the City of Fairway.
  2. Foreign Exchange Students living in Fairway may purchase a resident membership.
  3. Nannies/babysitters/caregivers must purchase an individual membership or pay the daily entry fee. Families may purchase an individual membership for their nanny/babysitter/caregiver. (Families with multiple nannies/babysitters/caregivers must purchase multiple individual memberships for them).
  4. Members will be required to have a current membership card with their photo and name to enter the Fairway Pool.
  5. Season memberships are Non Transferable and Non Refundable and may be revoked by staff. Unauthorized use results in an automatic loss of membership privileges.
  6. Children under the age of 10 must be accompanied by an adult in order to access the swimming pool. The supervising adult must be present during the entire visit.
  7. If a member loses his/her card, a $5.00/card replacement fee will be collected at the time a new card is issued. 
  8. Each member over the age of two years-old must present their membership card to pool staff upon each visit to the swimming pool.
  9. Adult pool members are responsible for their actions as well as the actions of minors and/or guests in their company.
  10. Pool members shall abide by facility rules and regulations, understanding that pool staff have final authority.