Dog Licensing
Dog licensing is to be processed in the current license year. 2025 licensing will start on Thursday, January 2, 2025.
All dogs, including foster dogs, over six months of age are required to be licensed annually with the City of Fairway between January 1 to March 31 to avoid a penalty charge and/or fine. Late fees are applied on April 1st and increase each month.
Residents may renew their dog’s tag in person, by mail, or email. If you are able to process your business with the City remotely, please do so. This is to reduce walk-in traffic and help limit the number of people in the building at one time.
All it takes to obtain a dog license is a CURRENT RABIES CERTIFICATE issued from a licensed veterinarian. Invoices, receipts, and health summaries do not contain the required information that is found on the rabies certificate. Please note: A rabies vaccination certificate is considered "CURRENT" if it is valid at the time you purchase the City tag. For example if the rabies certificate expires in April 2025, then it is considered CURRENT during the registration period of January through March. Do not wait until April to register or there will be late fees applied.
You may contact City Hall (913) 262-0350 x0 to verify if the rabies certificate on record is current.
In person at City Hall: You will need to provide the current rabies certificate and fee.
Process by mail: Fairway City Hall - 5240 Belinder Rd - Fairway KS 66205
If renewing by mail, send a self-addressed stamped envelope with the current rabies certificate and appropriate fee. Make checks payable to the City of Fairway. The rabies certificate will be mailed back to you with the Fairway dog license.
Process by email and pay by phone: Email the current rabies certificate to Assistant City Clerk Vickie Tillery and provide a phone number where you may be contacted for payment. Once the license has been processed City Staff will call you to process the fee by phone.
FEES are as follows:
Neutered males & spayed females .......... $ 20.00
Unaltered males & unaltered females ..….. $ 50.00
DELINQUENT FEES are as follows:
Licensing Fee + Delinquent Fee = Total Due
1st month late fee: (beginning April 1)….....$ 10.00
2nd month late fee: (beginning May 1)….....$ 20.00
June 1st $30.00 late fee + citation + $58.00 court costs
Delinquent fees are added to each dog license.
If you no longer have your previously licensed pet or have any questions, please contact City Hall at (913) 262-0350 x0.
Three dogs and three cats are allowed per household. Cats are not required to be licensed, but all cats must be vaccinated for rabies.