Rock Creek Watershed Planning Final Feasibility Study - Appendix C-1 Proposed Stream Restoration Projects

"Rock Creek Watershed Planning Final Feasibility Study - Appendix C-1 Proposed Stream Restoration Projects" of areas within the City of Fairway.  It was prepared by Black & Veatch and delivered to the United States Army Corps of Engineers, Northwest  Division on August 21, 2007.

In the C1 Map Coordinates.pdf project file six projects, all of which total less than $500k, are already on public land including Fairway Public Works  and two are in the Indian Mission - really only one impacts residents of Fairway and that is Neosho Lane. These projects would fit within funding possibilites of a HUD grant received in 2006.

Of the remaining projects four have a dollar figure that is greater than the HUD grant. It would not be feasible to consider during this initial phase of education and best management practice examples.

Indicated City of Fairway location and C1 Map Coordinates.pdf number on each location in Fairway are provided. Copies of this information have been made and delivered to the task force; it is a more focused grouping of information for the City of Fairway.