Budget 2019


The 2019 Budget and 2019-2023 Capital Improvements Plan (CIP) were approved by the Fairway City Council on August 13, 2018. 

The 2019 Budget holds the mill levy flat for the third consecutive year, funds all department budgets, and maintains reserves at 11.1% of the General Fund Budget.  In addition to our routine mill and overlay projects, the 2019 Budget also includes money to replace the Sheridan Road Bridge.  No additional debt will be issued for this project as the City has been setting aside cash in the Stormwater Utility Fund in order to fully fund the project.

The 2019 CIP includes “Priority 1 Projects” totaling $316,139.

“Priority 1 Projects” include:

¨ Street Maintenance—Neosho, Buena Vista, 57th Terr, 57th, and 56th

¨ Public Works Department—replacement of one truck

¨ Police Department—replacement of one patrol vehicle


2019 Budget Information: