City Property/Flood Property Purchases

After the Flood of 1998 the City of Fairway took a long look at the frequent flooding along Rock Creek. The Governing Body decided that they should start looking for solutions to help home owners along the creek. Some of the properties, due to location and flood elevations, could not be removed from the flood plain through engineering.

Starting in 2001 the City of Fairway, with help from FEMA and SMAC, decided to purchase some of these homes. After a priority ranking was established for the properties, homeowners were approached to gauge their interests for a voluntary purchase of their home.

Some residents decided to take the City up on their offer, while others did decide to pass. The option to have the City purchase their property was strictly a voluntary basis.

The attachment below has all of the properties listed along with purchase price, FEMA portion, SMAC portion, and City portion.