Boards & Committees

If you are interested in volunteering on a City Board or Committee, review the Committee Guidelines and complete the Indication of Interest Form below. 

Dates and times for all meetings are available on the calendar on the website. Citizens are welcome and encouraged to attend any City Council or City committee meetings.

Click on the links below to view the current committee appointments. 


The function of the Board of Zoning Appeals is to:
  1. hear appeals of administrative decisions;
  2. review and grant requests for variances from the zoning regulations; and 
  3. review and grant exceptions to the zoning regulations.
Planning Commission
The Planning Commission is charged with the development of the Comprehensive Plan, the review and recommendation of requests for development applications and special use permits, and the proposal to the City Council of amendments and additions to the City's planning and zoning regulations.
Tree Board
The Tree Board was created by an ordinance adopted in March 2007 by a unanimous vote of the Fairway City Council.

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