Construction Projects
Mill and Overlay Program
Every year the City replaces the asphalt on several streets through the Mill and Overlay Program.
The Curb and Gutter Program
There is 42 miles of curbing throughout the City of Fairway that the Public Works Department maintains. Annually the City replaces several thousand feet through its Curb and Gutter Program.
Stormwater Program
The City uses this program to upgrade and replace stormwater pipe and inlets throughout the city.
CARS Program (County Assisted Road Systems)
The CARS program provides funds to the cities of Johnson County to construct and maintain their major arterials. Each year the cities submit a 5-year road improvement plan to Johnson County. Using a scoring system, Johnson County selects projects and allocates funds. The County pays 50% of the project’s construction and construction inspection costs. Cities are responsible for design, right-of-way, and utility relocation costs.
Emphasizing the issue of interconnectivity, only major arterial and some minor collector streets are eligible for the CARS program. For example, major arterial streets such as Metcalf, Antioch, 119th, and 75th Street are eligible; residential or local streets are not eligible for the program and are the responsibility of the cities. Types of projects eligible for the CARS program are: Capacity Improvements (additional lanes), Major Maintenance (overlays, patching), System Management (intersection improvements, traffic signals, turn lanes), Bridges (replacement or rehabilitation), and Route Enhancements (sidewalks, bike paths, lights.)
The City uses this program to get county funding for half of a project on CARS eligible routes. The CARS eligible routes in Fairway are:
Mission Rd. from 53rd to 63rd
53rd from Buena Vista to Belinder
Buena Vista from S.M.P. to 53rd
Roe from 59th to 63rd
St. Park Rd. from S.M.P. to Belinder
63rd from Reinhardt to Mission Rd.