Fairway Pool
2024 Fairway Pool Report - click here
Features of the Pool include:
- A large shade/sun deck where individuals can enjoy relaxing in the sun.
- An ample swimming pool with two designated lap lanes, high and low diving boards and a new zipline.
- A zero depth area for toddlers featuring dumping buckets and and a toddler slide.
- A snack bar stocked with favorite Pool side treats for purchase.
- A large multipurpose room, the Pool House, for pool parties and year round rentals.
- Two family changing rooms.
- Free lockers (bring your own lock).
- Nine large shade structures.
- Patrons are welcome to bring outside food into the swimming pool area.
Pool Rules
- Obey pool staff at all times
- No running permitted
- No dunking permitted
- All water toys must be approved by pool management
- Proper swim attire is required and must be appropriate for a family friendly, public facility with pool management having final authority (NO cut-offs, street clothing or underclothing permitted)
- Do not “hang out” 1) near lifeguard stands or talk to lifeguards when they are on duty, 2) near the pool office or 3) near the snack bar
- There will be a 10 minute rest period for children under 18 called at the discretion of pool management
- Children under the age of 10 MUST be accompanied by an adult AT ALL TIMES
- Glass containers in the pool area are STRICTLY prohibited
- Use of alcohol, tobacco, electronic tobacco or vaping products or any illegal substance is not permitted in the pool area; pool staff will contact the police immediately and without warning
- No chewing gum shall be allowed in the pool area
- Pool staff may exclude anyone from the diving well who has not demonstrated sufficient ability to swim
- Unauthorized persons are not allowed on the lifeguard stands, in the snack bar, office or maintenance areas of the pool
- Any individual causing a disturbance will be escorted off city property by the Fairway Police Department
- No abusive, offensive or profane language (verbal or in print) shall be permitted
- Dispose of any trash in the receptacles provided
- No pets are allowed in the pool area
- Any member of pool management may for reasons of health, safety or discipline, direct any person out of the pool area for violation of swimming pool rules and for unbecoming behavior
- Babysitters are responsible for all children in their care at all times
- Members will be responsible for all actions of their children, babysitter(s) and guest(s)
- The City of Fairway and its employees are not responsible for lost, stolen or damaged property of any kind
- No bikes, roller blades, scooters or skateboards are allowed in the pool area at any time
- Kick boards are available to adults who wish to swim laps in the lap lanes only
- Private lessons are prohibited unless arranged through the swim lesson program
- Diving from the side of the pool is only allowed in the diving well during designated times
- No sitting, standing or hanging on lane lines
Diving Boards
- One person on a board at a time
- One person on a ladder at a time
- Jump straight off the board
- Do not dive until the previous diver has cleared the area below the board and has reached the ladder
- Swimmers may bounce only once on the diving boards
- Parents (or anyone) may not be in the diving well to “catch” or assist others going off the diving board
Wading Pool
- No children over the age of 5 may use the wading pool
- Children must be supervised by an adult at all times
- Any small child wearing diapers and using the wading or main pool must wear plastic or rubber pants with elastic legs over the diapers
Rules Regarding Floatation Devices
- Rafts, tubes or blow-up toys are not allowed
- Water wings and arm-band floaties are not allowed
- Acceptable devices for infants and toddlers are (an adult must be within arms reach at all times): “My Baby” float double ring system, swimsuits containing floatation in both front and back, Coast Guard type II vest with buckle closures (not ties), an infant device with a built-in seat for children under 1 and noodles are allowed as recreational toys
Rules Regarding Throwable Objects
- Small cloth covered nerf balls are permitted for use in the water; playing catch from/on the deck is not permitted
- Large nerf footballs, open foam nerf balls and all other nerf products are not to be used at any time inside the pool area
- Small (less than 20” in diameter) blow-up beach balls may be used so long as they are not interfering with others enjoyment of the facility
Policy on Communicable Diseases
No member or guest shall knowingly enter the pool, or permit a child or guest to do so, while suffering form any contagious disease, such as athlete’s foot, ringworm, inflamed eyes, pink eyes, colds, skin diseases, etc., while suffering from an open wound, sore, or abrasion, or who is wearing a bandage or bandages. Pool staff will be observing patrons and may ban from admission or eject a patron from the pool area.
Policy on photo/recording equipment
Fairway Parks and Recreation Department prohibits the use of “any electronic, mechanical, manual, electric, digital, voltaic or other device, instrument or means capable of recording, producing, duplicating, reproducing, storing, copying, transmitting or displaying any visual, video, photographic, electronic, digital, recorded, or other visual image, picture, or representation, including but not limited to any camera, photographic camera, video camera, fiber optic camera, motion picture camera, television camera, camcorder, or videotaping device, or any cell phone of any type or kind regardless of its capacity or lack thereof to produce a visual image, in any restroom, locker room, lavatory, bathroom, shower facility, or dressing room, in any building owned, leased to, or under the control of the Parks and Recreation Department.”